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Water features can do wonders for any lawn or landscape. Though greenery is the basis for a garden, small ponds or streams can make the scene even lovelier. This goes double if you have fish and water plants in these features.

As you might imagine, garden pools and streams do require extra care. They need to have a ready water source, and stay in motion so as to avoid becoming stagnant. Professionals from a Tom Walters Dozer Services can help you in setting up your water features, and in teaching you how to maintain them.

Another advantage offered by water installations is that they can increase the value of your property. They will make your landscape design look more attractive, and their presence demonstrates the care that you’ve put into your property.

If you want skilled professionals to take a look at your lawn and put in some water features, contact Tom Walters Dozer Services in Prague, OK. For the best Ponds in Prague, OK call Tom Walters Dozer Services today!

Tree Removal

Tree cutting is a very strenuous task. While a person might be able to chop down a sapling without much trouble, a full-grown tree is a much different story. Doing this safely requires training and equipment. All of the field agents in our company are fully trained and licensed, meaning that they can do the job quickly and, more importantly, safely.

We take pride in responding quickly to emergencies. If you’ve only just become aware that you need tree removal service, get in touch and we’ll send someone over right away.

Here at Tom Walters Dozer Services, we offer excellent tree service for Prague, OK, residents. In addition to tree removal, we also provide tree trimming and lot clearing.